Pamela Hornby is a research assistant for the Rose and Peach Breeding program in the Department of Horticultural Sciences of Texas A&M University. She grew up in New Jersey and started as an undergraduate at Delaware Valley University in an Agronomy program, with the goal of becoming a farmer. Several decades later she completed her education with a Bachelor of Science at the Department of Horticultural Sciences from Texas A&M University.
During that time period she worked in various horticulture fields; commercial landscaper, nurseryman, job coach for disabled adults in various horticultural programs, and manager of an organic vegetable farm and commercial canning operation. She also served on the Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association Board for three years, coordinating volunteers, presenting at the annual conference, and doing community outreach.
Currently, she oversees field and greenhouse operations at the HortTREC field and facility, provides technical support for the graduate students, and is co-coordinator of the National Clean Plant Network Rose group with Natalie Anderson. This includes being on the National Clean Plant Network Education and Outreach committee. She also attends the annual Texas Fruit Conference each year with her technicians, along with the annual NCPN Rose meetings.