Da Silva Linge, C., L. Cai, W. Fu, J.R. Clark, M.L. Worthington, Z. Rawandoozi, D.H. Byrne and K. Gasic. 2021. Multi-locus genome-wide association studies reveal fruit quality hotspots in peach genome. Frontiers in Plant Science, 25 February 2021 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.644799
Rawandoozi, Z.J., T.P. Hartmann, S. Carpenedo, K. Gasic, C. da Silva Linge, L. Cai, E. Van de Weg, and D.H. Byrne. 2021. Mapping and characterization QTLs for phenological traits in seven pedigree-connected peach families. BMC Genomics. View here.
Rawandoozi, Z.J., T.P. Hartmann, S. Carpenedo, K. Gasic, C. da Silva Linge, L. Cai, E. Van de Weg, and D.H. Byrne. 2020. Identification and characterization of QTLs for fruit quality traits in peach through a multi-family approach. BMC Genomics 21:522. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-020-06927-x.
Rawandoozi, Z.J., T. Hartmann, S. Carpenedo and D.H. Byrne. 2020. Heritability, correlation, and genotype by environment interaction of phenological and fruit quality traits in Prunus persica. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., https://doi.org/10.21273/JASHS04990-20
Carpenedo, S., M.C.B. Raseira, D.H. Byrne, and R.C. Franzon. 2017. The effect of heat stress on the reproductive structures of peach. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 71(2):114-118. View the paper here.
Fresnedo-Ramirez, J., T. J. Frett, P. J. Sandefur, A. Salgado-Rojas,J. R. Clark, K. Gasic, C. P. Peace, N. Anderson, T. P. Hartmann, D. H. Byrne,M. C. A. M. Bink, E. van de Weg, C, H, Crisosto, and T. M. Gradziel. 2016. QTL mapping and breeding value estimation through pedigree-based analysis of fruit size and weight in four diverse peach breeding programs. Tree Genetics & Genomes 12:25 (DOI 10.1007/s11295-016-0985-z). View the paper here via SpringerLink.
Byrne, D. H. and N. Anderson. 2015. ‘Smooth Zest One’ and ‘Smooth Zest Two’: low chill nectarines for the home garden. HortScience, 50(11):1729-1730. View the paper here.
Byrne, D. H. and N. Anderson. 2015. White Zest One, A medium-chill, white-flesh peach. HortScience, 50 (2):315-316. View the paper here.
Bhimanagouda S. Patil, Kevin Crosby, David Byrne and Kendal Hirschi. 2014. The Intersection of Plant Breeding, Human Health, and Nutritional Security: Lessons Learned and Future Perspectives. HortScience 49(2):116-127. View the paper here.
Byrne, D. H. and N. Anderson. 2014. Smooth Delight One and Two, medium chill subacid nectarines. HortScience, 49(12):1593-1594. View the paper here.
Byrne, D. H. and N. Anderson. 2014. Smooth Texan nectarines, Three medium chill, early season yellow cultivars. HortScience 49 (8):1095-1096. View the paper here.
Byrne, D. H. and N. Anderson. 2014. Zest peach series: Five medium chill yellow-fleshed cultivars. HortScience 49(4):506-508. View the paper here.
Noratto, G. D., J. F. Garcia-Mazcorro, M. Markel, H. S. Martino, Y. Minamoto, J. M. Steiner, D. Byrne, J.S. Suchodolski, and S.U. Mertens-Talcott. 2014. Peach (Prunus persica) and plum (Prunus salicina) extracts alter fecal microbial ecology in obese Zucker rats. PLOSOne 9(7): e101723. doi:10.1371/ correction journal.pone.01017239(8):e106128.
Noratto, G. W. Porter, D. Byrne and L. Cisneros-Zevallos. 2014. Polyphenolics from peach (Prunus persica var. Rich Lady) inhibit tumor growth and metastasis of MDA-MB-435 breast cancer cells in vivo. J. Nutr. Biochem. 25:796-800. View the paper here.
Vizzotto, M., W. Porter, D. Byrne, and L. Cisneros-Zevallos. 2014. Polyphenols of selected peach and plum genotypes reduce cell viability and inhibit proliferation of breast cancer cells while not affecting normal cells. Food Chem. 164:363-370. View the paper here.
Byrne, D. H. and N. Anderson. 2013. ‘White Delight’ peach series: Four medium-chill subacid white-fleshed peaches. HortScience 48:1056-1058. View the paper here.
Byrne, D. H. and N. Anderson. 2012. ‘TexFirst’, An early ripening low chill peach for the subtropics. HortScience 47:1803-1804.
Badenes, M. and D. H. Byrne (eds.) 2012. Trends in fruit breeding. Handbook of plant breeding: Fruit breeding. Springer, January 31, 2012. 875 p., 83 illus., Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-4419-0762-2
Byrne, D. H. 2012. Trends in fruit breeding, p 3-36. Handbook of plant breeding: Fruit breeding. In: M. Badenes and D. H. Byrne (eds.). Springer, January 31, 2012.
Byrne, D. H., M. C. Raseira., S. Perez, D. Bassi, M. C. Piagnani, M. C. Moreno, K., Gasic ,and G. Reighard. 2012. Peach breeding, p 505-570. Handbook of plant breeding: Fruit breeding. In: M. Badenes and D. H. Byrne (eds.). Springer, January 31, 2012.
Byrne, D. H. and N. Anderson. 2012. ‘TexFirst’, An early ripening low chill peach for the subtropics. HortScience 47:1803-1804. View the paper here.
Frett, T. J., K. Gasic, J. R. Clark, D. H. Byrne, T. Gradziel and C. Crisosto. 2012. Standardized phenotyping for fruit quality in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc.66 (4): 214-219.
Raseira, M. C. B, D. H. Byrne, and R. C. Franzon. 2012. Peach: Tradition and poetry, p. 665-694. In: Barbieri, R. L. and E. R. T.Stumpf. (eds.), Origin and evolution of cultivated plants, Embrapa Informação Tecnológica, Brasília, DF, Brazil.Translated by Carmen Capó deTavares Sobral and Ricarda Lucy Tempel Nakasu. Brasília, DF: Embrapa, 2012. 1 E-pub format e-book. ISBN 978-85-7035-080
Wargovich, M., J. Morris, V. Moseley, R. Weber, and D.H. Byrne. 2012. Developing fruit cultivars with enhanced health properties, p 37-68. Handbook of plant breeding: Fruit breeding. In: M. Badenes and D. H. Byrne (eds.). Springer, January 31, 2012.
Noratto, G, W. Porter, D. H. Byrne, and L. Cisneros-Zevallos. 2009. Identifying peach and plum polyphenols with chemopreventive potential against estrogen-independent breast cancer cells. J. Agric. Food Chem 57:5219-5226. View the paper here.
Souza, V.A.B. de, D.H. Byrne and J.F. Taylor. 1998. Heritability, genetic and phenotypic correlations, and predicted selection response of quantitative traits in peach: I. An analysis of several plant traits. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. In press. View the paper here.
Finch, C., D.H. Byrne and C. Lyons. 1997. Sulfur nutrition requirements of Prunus persica (L.) Batsch. J. Plant Nutrition 20:1711-1721.
Ma, Y., D.H. Byrne and J. Chen. 1997. Amphidiploid induction from diploid rose interspecific hybrids. HortScience 32:292-295. View the paper here.
Boonprakob, U., D.H. Byrne and D.M.J. Mueller. 1996. Anatomical differences of axillary bud development in blind nodes and normal nodes in peach. HortScience 31L798-801. View the paper here.
Ma, Y., D.H. Byrne and J. Chen. 1996. Propagation of rose species in vitro. IVCDB-Plant 32:103-108.
Byrne, D.H., W. Black, Y. Ma and H.B. Pemberton. 1995. The use of amphidiploidy in the development of black spot resistant rose germplasm. Acta Horticulturae 424:269-272.
Shi, U. and D.H. Byrne. 1995. Tolerance of Prunus rootstocks to potassium carbonate-induced chlorosis. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 120:283-285. View the paper here.
Strong, K. and D.H. Byrne. 1995. Performance of low-chill Japanese plums in Subtropical Texas. Subtropical Plant Sci. 47:30-33. View the paper here.
Pinto, A.C.Q., D.H. Byrne and S.M.D. Rogers. 1993. Influence of ovule perforation, plant growth regulators, and L-glutamine on in vitro growth of immature peach embryos. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. 298:55-58.
Bacon, T.A. and D.H. Byrne. 1991. A pedigree tracing program for use with dBaseIII and dBaseIV software. HortScience 26:1223. View the paper here.
Byrne, D.H. and T.A. Bacon. 1991. ‘TexRoyal’, a medium-chilling peach. HortScience 26:1338-1340. View the paper here.