The White Delight Series
The White Delight peach series are firm attractive subacid white-fleshed high quality peaches for the medium chill zone. These new peach cultivars supply a high quality, attractive, subacid, white-fleshed peach over six weeks from late May until early July.
Productivity: High when tested in Fairfield and Terrell, Texas where ‘June Gold’ and ‘Harvester’ are grown commercially. ‘White Delight Two’ is also productive in Floresville, Texas where ‘Flordaking’ and ‘TexKing’ are grown commercially.
Size: Medium to large depending on the thinning done.
Quality: Low acid, sweet. Excellent.
Flesh: White and melting.
Ripening season: A series of four peach cultivars that ripen from late May until early July.
Chilling requirement: ‘White Delight One’ and ‘White Delight Two’ require 550 chilling hours whereas ‘White Delight Three’ and ‘White Delight Four’ require about 700 chilling hours to fruit normally.
View the pdf here.
White Delight One; Late May White Delight Two; Mid June White Delight Three; Late June White Delight Four; Early July
Availability: Budwood available under license.
Contact: David Byrne at or Robert G. Brummett at